Etida (Serbia 1973)

Performed by: Korni
Music by: Kornelije Kovač
Lyrics by: Kornelije Kovač
Language: Serbian
NF placing: 3rd (in final)



Plove u tišini neke davne misli In this silent place some memories fly from the past
Vraćaju me danima dok sam bio dete And they bring me back to the time when I was a child
I divio se beskrajno čudesnim zvucima And I was too much liked by the wonderful sounds
Njene mlade duše Of her young soul
Devojka je svirala najlepšu etidu The girl was playing the more beautiful etude
Danima u tamnoj sobi za klavirom Too many days in the dark room at the piano
U zanosu te muzike proleće prodje And under this music the spring was going on
Tužna jesen dodje And the sad autumn coming
Bila su dobra vremena dok sam tajno voleo This was a good time when I was loved in secret
I zamišljao je kako poljem sama ide And I am thinking of her going in the grass
Lice joj bledo a tanak joj struk Her light face and slim body
U travi je na mom dlanu zaspala In the grass she was sleeping in my arms
Bila su dobra vremena dok sam tajno voleo This was a good time when I was loved in secret
Dok sam svaku reć iz njenih usta žedno pio When I was drinking every word from his lips
Noči u radu a dani u snu The nights in work, the days in dream
U sobi za klavirom sedim sam bez nje I am sitting in this room with the piano but without her