Algo pequeñito |
Something tiny |
Algo pequeñito, algo chiquitito |
Something tiny, something very small |
Una rosa blanca, una caricia, un beso dulce y un perdón |
A white rose, a caress, a sweet kiss and an apology |
Algo pequeñito, algo chiquitito |
Something tiny, something very small |
Un gesto tierno, una mirada, un abrazo o una flor |
A tender gesture, a glance, a hug or a flower |
| |
Algo pequeñito, algo chiquitito |
Something tiny, something very small |
Un simple te quiero, con dulzura, con cariño y con pasión |
A simple "I love you", with sweetness, with care and with passion |
Es lo que te pido amor, mi vida se derrumba, me partes el corazón |
Is what I ask of you, my love, my life is falling down, you're breaking my heart |
Trata pronto de cambiar, el tiempo se termina ahora de verdad |
Try to change soon, time is now really running out |
| |
Algo pequeñito, whoa... algo chiquitito, whoa... |
Something tiny, whoa... something very small, whoa... |
Cosas simples que ahora no me das |
Simple things you don't give me any more |
Que te pido con locura si no quieres terminar |
Which I ask of you like crazy if you don't want this to be over |
| |
Algo pequeñito, whoa... algo chiquitito, whoa... |
Something tiny, whoa... something very small, whoa... |
En tus manos tienes la ocasión |
You've got the chance in your hands |
Hoy decides si quererme o romperme el corazón |
Today you decide whether to love me or break my heart |
| |
Algo pequeñito, algo muy bonito |
Something tiny, something very beautiful |
Tu pelo al viento que se enreda entre mis manos al calor |
Your hair in the wind that gets tangled between my hands getting warm |
Has sabido comprender que las pequeñas cosas son las que hacen esto arder |
You've got to realise that it's small things that make this burn |
Ahora trata de cambiar que el resto de las cosas ya se arreglarán |
Now try to change, 'cause everything else will eventually be sorted out |
| |
Algo pequeñito, whoa... algo chiquitito, whoa... |
Something tiny, whoa... something very small, whoa... |
Cosas simples que ahora si me das |
Simple things you do give me now |
Que te quiero con locura y siempre yo te voy a amar |
'Cause I love you madly and I will always love you |
| |
Algo pequeñito, whoa... algo chiquitito, whoa... |
Something tiny, whoa... something very small, whoa... |
En tus manos tienes la ocasión |
You've got the change in your hands |
Decidiste tú quererme y no romperme el corazón |
You decided to love me and not to break my heart |
Y no romperme el corazón |
And not to break my heart |
| |
Algo pequeñito, whoa... algo chiquitito, whoa... |
Something tiny, whoa... something very small, whoa... |
Cosas simples que ahora no me das |
Simple things you don't give me any more |
Que te pido con locura si no quieres terminar |
Which I ask of you like crazy if you don't want this to be over |
| |
Algo pequeñito, whoa... algo chiquitito, whoa... |
Something tiny, whoa... something very small, whoa... |
En tus manos tienes la ocasión |
You've got the chance in your hands |
Hoy decides si quererme o romperme el corazón |
Today you decide whether to love me or break my heart |