Sastrēgums |
A traffic jam |
Super sastrēgumā tupēt varētu gan domāt |
You might think it is superb to be stuck in a traffic jam |
Visi labā omā, tikai es tāds besīgs |
They all are in a good mood, only I'm so evil |
Nezinu kur esi, sēžu te pa lieko |
I don't know where you are, I sit here in vain |
Kā lai tuvāk tieku, tuvāk tev? |
How can I get closer, closer to you? |
| |
It nemaz tas nav |
It is not so superb at all |
Palikt vienam ar sevi |
Remaining all on your own |
Un netikt nekur uz priekšu |
And not moving forward anywhere |
Netikt tuvāk pie tevis |
Not getting closer to you |
| |
Klausies, atnāc beidzot satikties |
Listen, come meet me at last |
Cik tad var no dzīves atteikties? |
How long can one refuse one's life? |
Pārpratumiem pāri atlido |
Fly to me over misunderstandings |
Pieņem lēmumu šo galīgo |
Take this final decision |
| |
Atkal sastrēgumā, kad līdz |
Again, in a traffic jam, when it helps |
Tālāk tiec vien tad kad sakustas cits |
You advance only when another person moves |
Man nepietiek tikai pašam sākt |
It's not enough if I start to move myself |
Vajag lai tu nāc, tu nāc, tu nāc |
I need you to come, to come, to come |
| |
Piekāst visas savas liekas darīšanas |
To hell with all my futile actions |
Atnāc, tevi saucu, atnāc, gandrīz kaucu |
Come, it's you I'm calling, come, I'm nearly howling |
Vienam, apnicis man, vienam, izlikties ka super |
Alone, I'm bored, alone, pretending that it is superb |
Sastrēgumā tupēt, nejēga! |
To be stuck in a traffic jam, nonsense! |
| |
It nemaz tas nav |
It is not so superb at all |
Palikt vienam ar sevi |
Remaining all on your own |
Un netikt nekur uz priekšu |
And not moving forward anywhere |
Netikt tuvāk pie tevis |
Not getting closer to you |
| |
Klausies, atnāc beidzot satikties |
Listen, come meet me at last |
Cik tad var no dzīves atteikties? |
How long can one refuse one's life? |
Pārpratumiem pāri atlido |
Fly to me over misunderstandings |
Pieņem lēmumu šo galīgo |
Take this final decision |
| |
Klausies, atnāc beidzot satikties |
Listen, come meet me at last |
Cik tad var no dzīves atteikties? |
How long can one refuse one's life? |
Pārpratumiem pāri atlido |
Fly to me over misunderstandings |
Pieņem lēmumu šo galīgo |
Take this final decision |
| |
Klausies, atnāc beidzot satikties |
Listen, come meet me at last |
Cik tad var no dzīves atteikties? |
How long can one refuse one's life? |
Pārpratumiem pāri atlido |
Fly to me over misunderstandings |
Pieņem lēmumu šo galīgo |
Take this final decision |