Recorded by: Sasha Son
Music by: Sasha Son
Lyrics by: N/A
Language: Lithuanian
Placing: 23rd (23 points)
Other versions: English, Russian

Pasiklydęs žmogus

Lost man

Aš nežinau kaip toliau kentėt I don't know how to keep suffering
Aš pamiršau kaip save mylėt I forgot how to love myself
Nežiūrėk į mane Don't look at me
Juk manęs nėra, kaip visada After all, I don't exist, as I never have
Aš vėl girdžiu daug žodžių tuščių Again, I hear a lot of empty words
Aš pavargau nuo blogų minčių I'm tired of bad thoughts
Neprieik prie manęs Don't come close to me
Nekenčiu aš savęs, nekenčiu I hate myself, I hate
Tu palauk, sustok Wait, stop
Mano klaidų nekartok Don't repeat my mistakes
Nemeluok sau ir bus lengviau, taip, bus Don't lie to yourself, and it will be easier, yes, it will
O kol kas tu esi pasiklydęs žmogus And meanwhile, you're a lost man
Tu palauk, sustok Wait, stop
Mano klaidų nekartok Don't repeat my mistakes
Nemeluok sau ir bus lengviau, taip, bus Don't lie to yourself, and it will be easier, yes, it will
O kol kas tu esi pasiklydęs žmogus And meanwhile, you're a lost man
Pasiklydęs žmogus A lost man
Aš sutikau su dalykais I've put up with things
Kurių aš jau pakeist nebegaliu That I can't change anymore
Nėra vilties, bet tai jau mano kaltė There's no hope, but that's my fault
Tiktai mano Only mine
Einu gatve ir nieko nėra šalia I'm walking the street and there's nobody around
Aš vienas pasaulyje I'm alone in the world
Tu palauk, sustok Wait, stop
Mano klaidų nekartok Don't repeat my mistakes
Nemeluok sau ir bus lengviau, taip, bus Don't lie to yourself, and it will be easier, yes, it will
O kol kas tu esi pasiklydęs žmogus Meanwhile, you're a lost man
Tu palauk, sustok Wait, stop
Mano klaidų nekartok Don't repeat my mistakes
Nemeluok sau ir bus lengviau, taip, bus Don't lie to yourself, and it will be easier, yes, it will
O kol kas tu esi pasiklydęs žmogus But meanwhile, you're a lost man
Tu palauk, sustok Wait, stop
Mano klaidų nekartok Don't repeat my mistakes
Nemeluok sau ir bus lengviau, taip, bus Don't lie to yourself, and it will be easier, yes, it will
O kol kas tu esi pasiklydęs žmogus And meanwhile, you're a lost man
Tu palauk, sustok Wait, stop
Mano klaidų nekartok Don't repeat my mistakes
Nemeluok sau ir bus lengviau, taip, bus Don't lie to yourself, and it will be easier, yes, it will
O kol kas tu esi And meanwhile, you're
O kol kas tu esi And meanwhile, you're
O kol kas tu esi And meanwhile, you're
O kol kas tu esi pasiklydęs žmogus And meanwhile, you're a lost man
Pasiklydęs žmogus A lost man

Translation by Nejcas, Arty.