Recorded by: Georgina & Paul Giordimaina
Music by: Paul Abela
Lyrics by: N/A
Language: Maltese
Placing: 6th (106 points)
Other versions: English

Sejjaħ u ssibni

Call and you'll find me

Fejn hu llum? Fejn hi il-warda fuq ħaddejk? Where is it today? Where's the rose on your cheek?
Fejn hi l-leħħa f'ġmiel għajnejk, il-ħmura fuq xufftejk? Where is the spark in your eyes, the redness on your lips?
Il-kewkba ntfiet u nsietna fuq il-għatba tal-ġejjien The star's burnt out and forgotten us on the threshold of the future
Għala jien, għala int, ninsabu mifrudin? Why do I, why do you, find ourselves dispersed?
Fejn hu llum? Fejn hi l-bewsa fil-widien? Where is it today? Where's the kiss in the fields?
Fejn hi l-għanja tal-ħolqien, tax-xemx jiem bla waqfien? Where is the song of nature, of the sun days on end
Hemm sħaba f'della ħbietna u ħallietna imbegħdin A cloud's hidden us in it's shade and has left us far apart
Għala jien, għala int, ninsabu imnikktin? Why do I, why do you, find ourselves upset?
Sejjaħ u ssibni Call and you'll find me
Għalxejn iqum ir-riħ, jitqawwa l-baħar In vain the wind picks up and the sea strengthens
Jien xorta nasal ħdejk ma jżommni xejn u ħadd I'll still come to you, nothing and no one will stop me
Għalija int il-bidu w tmiem l-għajxien For me you are the beginning and end of life
Fejn hu llum? Fejn hi l-ħeffa ta' passejk? Where is it today? Where's the haste in your step?
Fejn hu il-ħlew li nħares lejk, u l-wens taċ-ċkejkna jdejk? Where is the sweetness in looking at you, the comfort of your hand?
Inżul ix-xemx ħallietna ngħixu biss it-tifkiriet Sunset has left us living only memories
Għala jien, għala int, ninsabu mifnijin, mifrudin? Why do I, why do you, find ourselves torn apart?
Sejjaħ u ssibni Call and you'll find me
Għalxejn iqum ir-riħ, jitqawwa l-baħar In vain the wind picks up and the sea strengthens
Jien xorta nasal ħdejk ma jżommni xejn u ħadd I'll still come to you, nothing and no one will stop me
Għalija int il-bidu w tmiem l-għajxien For me you are the beginning and end of life
Sejjaħ u ssibni Call and you'll find me
Għalxejn f'qalbi l-uġiegħ, nistenna b'sabar For nothing the pain in my heart, I wait impatiently
Jien xorta nersaq lejk ma jżommni xejn u ħadd I'll still come to you, nothing and no one will stop me
Għalija int il-qofol f'ħajti ż-żmien For me you are the meaning in my life for time

Translation by Thomas Borg.