Johnny Blue |
Johnny Blue |
Blue, Blue, Blue, Johnny Blue |
Blue, Blue, Blue, Johnny Blue |
Alle singen deine Lieder |
Everybody is singing your songs |
Blue, Blue, Blue, Johnny Blue |
Blue, Blue, Blue, Johnny Blue |
Und die ganze Welt hört zu |
And the whole world is listening |
| |
Er wuchs auf ohne Freunde |
He grew up without any friends |
Denn keiner wollt spielen |
Because no one wanted to play |
Mit einem, der blind war wie er |
With someone who was blind, like him |
Und er sass meist zu Hause |
And he mostly sat at home |
Die Jungen dort draussen |
The boys outside |
Die riefen bloss hinter ihm her |
They just shouted after him |
| |
Sie riefen: Blue, Blue, Blue, Johnny Blue |
They shouted: Blue, Blue, Blue, Johnny Blue |
Welche Farbe hat die Sonne? |
What colour is the sun? |
Blue, Blue, Blue, Johnny Blue |
Blue, Blue, Blue, Johnny Blue |
Kinder können grausam sein |
Children can be cruel |
| |
Auf der alten Gitarre |
On the old guitar |
Die ihm jemand schenkte |
That somebody gave him |
Da spielte er, sie war sein Freund |
He played, it was his friend |
Seine Lieder, die klangen |
His songs, they sounded |
Nach Hoffnung und Freude |
Of hope and joy |
Und manchmal, als ob jemand weint |
And sometimes as if someone was crying |
| |
Und er sang: Blue, Blue, Blue, Johnny Blue |
And he sang: Blue, Blue, Blue, Johnny Blue |
Welche Farbe hat die Sonne? |
What colour is the sun? |
Blue, Blue, Blue, Johnny Blue |
Blue, Blue, Blue, Johnny Blue |
Und die Kinder hörten zu |
And all the children were listening |
| |
Und bald spielte keiner so wie er |
And soon nobody could play like him |
(Blue, Blue, Blue, Johnny Blue) |
(Blue, Blue, Blue, Johnny Blue) |
Seine Lieder, die gingen den Menschen ans Herz |
His songs touched people's hearts |
(Welche Farbe hat die Sonne?) |
(What colour is the sun?) |
Und er malte Farben aus Musik |
And he painted colours with his music |
(Blue, Blue, Blue, Johnny Blue) |
(Blue, Blue, Blue, Johnny Blue) |
Und vergass all seinen Schmerz |
And forgot all his pain |
| |
Und bald kamen Zehntausend |
And soon tenthousands came |
Zu seinen Konzerten |
To his concerts |
Denn er schenkte ihnen die Kraft |
Because he gave them the power |
An die Zukunft zu glauben |
To believe in the future |
Im Dunkel des Lebens |
In the darkness of life |
Er hatte es selber geschafft |
He had made it himself |
| |
Oh Johnny Blue, Blue, Blue, Johnny Blue |
Oh Johnny Blue, Blue, Blue, Johnny Blue |
Und sie kamen immer wieder |
And they all kept coming back |
Blue, Blue, Blue, Johnny Blue |
Blue, Blue, Blue, Johnny Blue, |
Keiner spielt so schön wie du |
Nobody plays as beautifully as you |
| |
Blue, Blue, Blue, Johnny Blue |
Blue, Blue, Blue, Johnny Blue |
Alle singen deine Lieder |
Everybody is singing your songs |
Blue, Blue, Blue, Johnny Blue |
Blue, Blue, Blue, Johnny Blue |
Und die ganze Welt hört zu |
And the whole world is listening |
| |
(Blue, Blue, Blue, Johnny Blue) |
(Blue, Blue, Blue, Johnny Blue) |
Und die ganze Welt hört zu |
And the whole world is listening |