Performed by: Pepel In Kri
Music by: Tadej Hrušovar
Lyrics by: Dušan Velkaverh
Conductor: Mario Rijaveć
Language: Slovene
Placing: 13th (22 points)
Other versions: English

Dan ljubezni

A day of love

Pusti tisoč dni Leave those thousand days
In tisoč noči, ki jih več ni And thousand nights, which exist no more
Če sploh ne veš, da so kdaj bili You c't know that they have ever been
Vzemi le en dan, ki skril si ga tja Take the very day you've hidden
Na srčno stran On the heart's side
Pozabil ga nikoli več ne boš You will never ever forget it
To je bil tvoj dan ljubezni This was your day of love
Najlepši dan, ki ne mine nikdar A most beautiful day, that never ends
Svet živi za dan ljubezni The world lives for a day of love
Dan, ki da ti vse in vse ti vzame A day that gives you everything and takes it away
Tega nikdar ne veš You never know that
Kdaj prišel bo zate spet ta dan When will this day come for you again
Naj te upanje ne zapusti Don't let hope go away
Le zaspi ko jutro te zbudi Fall asleep when the morning wakes you up
To bo ljubezni dan This will be a day of love
To je bil tvoj dan ljubezni This was your day of love
Najlepši dan, ki ne mine nikdar A most beautiful day, that never ends
Svet živi za dan ljubezni The world lives for a day of love
Dan, ki da ti vse in vse ti vzame A day that gives you everything and takes it away
Tega nikdar ne veš You never know that
Kdaj prišel bo zate spet ta dan When will this day come for you again
Naj te upanje ne zapusti Don't let hope go away
Le zaspi ko jutro te zbudi Fall asleep when the morning wakes you up
To bo ljubezni dan This will be a day of love
Kdaj prišel bo zate spet ta dan When will this day come for you again
Naj te upanje ne zapusti Don't let hope go away
Le zaspi ko jutro te zbudi Fall asleep when the morning wakes you up
To bo ljubezni dan This will be a day of love
(Ljubezni dan) (A day of love)

Translation by Mateja Kobav.