Dukkemann |
Puppet man |
Det var en søt liten dukkemann |
There was a sweet little puppet man |
En så fri og freidig og glad |
Someone so free and bold and happy |
Han lo av de andre små dukker, han, å ja... |
He was laughing at all the other puppets, him, oh yes... |
| |
For denne særegne dukkemann |
Because this particular puppet man |
Tenk, han var skarpsindig som få |
Imagine, he was sharper than most |
Han sa at de henger jo alle mann i tråd |
He said, all of them are hanging on a string |
| |
Han lo av de dumme små dukker som danset |
He laughed at all the stupid little puppets dancing |
På ordre frå noe de ikke forstod |
At the command of something they didn't understand |
Han lo så han hikstet, men plutselig stanset han opp |
He howled with laughter, but suddenly stopped |
For hans tråd den ble klippet i to |
Because his string was cut in half |
| |
Og se vår særegne dukkemann |
And look, our particular puppet man |
Han forsto: hvis dansen skal gå |
He understood: if the dance is to go on |
Da må man nok sprelle som alle mann i tråd |
Then you have to jump about like all on a string |
| |
Han lo av de dumme små dukker som danset |
He laughed at all the stupid little puppets dancing |
På ordre frå noe de ikke forstod |
At the command of something they didn't understand |
Han lo så han hikstet, men plutselig stanset han opp |
He howled with laughter, but suddenly stopped |
For hans tråd den ble klippet i to |
Because his string was cut in half |
| |
Så ble vår særegne dukkemann |
Thus our particular puppet man became |
Uten liv og måtte forstå: |
Lifeless and had to understand: |
En tråd har en snelle, så hvis man vil telle |
A string has a spool and if you want to count |
Da må man nok sprelle som alle mann i tråd |
You must jump like everyone on a string |